L -
Symbol used to designate inductance.

LAN - Local Area Network

LAN Adapter - see Network Interface Card

Laser - Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. A device which produces light with a narrow spectral width. Used in fiber opticcommunication systems, usually single mode, where high capacity and low attenuation are required.

LATA - Local Access and Transport Area.

Lay - The axial distance required for one cabled conductor or conductor strand to complete one revolution about the axis around which it is cabled.

Lay Direction - The direction of the progressing spiral twist in while looking along the axis of the cable away from the observer. The lay direction can be either "left" or "right".

LCL - see Longitudinal Conversion Loss

LCTL - see Longitudinal Conversion Transfer Loss

Leakage - An undesirable passage of current over the surface of or through a connector.

Leased Line - A private telephone line rented for the exclusive use of a leasing customer, without interchange switching arrangements.

LED - see Light Emitting Diode.

LF - Low frequency.

Light Emitting Diode - A semiconductor diode which emits incoherent light when a current is passed through it. Used as a light source in fiber optic transmission.

Link - A transmission path between two points not including terminal equipment, work area cables, or equipment cables.

Listed - Equipment included on a list published by an organization, acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction, that maintains periodic inspection of production of listed equipment, and whose listing states either that the equipment or material meets appropriate standards or has been tested and found suitable for use in a specified manner.

Lobe - An arm of a Token-Ring which extends from a Multistation Access Unit (MSAU) to a workstation adapter.

LocalTalk - A low-speed form of LAN data link technology, part of Apple Computer's AppleTalk networking scheme, that uses a carrier sense multiple access with collision avoidance (CSMA/CA) form of medium access control. Supports transmission at 230 Kbps.

Longitudinal Conversion Loss (LCL) - Also called near-end unbalance attenuation, measures cable balance by comparing the signal appearing across the pair to the signal applied between ground and the pair, where the applied signal and the across pair signal are at the same end of the cable.

Longitudinal Conversion Transfer Loss (LCTL) - Also called far-end unbalance attenuation, measures cable balance by the comparison of the signal appearing across the pair to the signal between ground and the pair, where the applied signal is at the opposite end of the cable from where the across pair signal is measured.

Loopback - A type of diagnostic test in which a transmitted signal is returned to the sending device after passing through a data communications link or network. This test allows the comparison of a returned signal with the transmitted signal.

Loss - The portion of energy applied to a system that is dissipated and performs no useful work.

Lossy - Having poor efficiency.
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